Two famous lakes of Mysore are Kukkarahalli Lake and Karanji lake. Kukkarahalli lake located near Mysore University is spread across 62 hectares. Lake has a surrounding walkway which has stone benches for visitors. This is used by Mysoreans for morning walk, jogging. Here are some of the snaps of the lake.

Kaaranji or Karanji lake spread across 55 hectares has a giant fountain(Kaaranji in Kannada) at the center. Boating facility is also available here. But the biggest tourist attraction is the aviary located within the foreshore area of the lake. It is the biggest walk through aviary in India. Hornbills, peacocks, white-peacocks, turkeys and black swans are some of the birds found in this aviary. A walk through this aviary is a wonderful experience. Peocock spreading its tail feathers to reveal the 'eyes' is a treat to watch. You can also watch White peacocks climbing the trees around. Kaaranji lake surroundings buzzling with life is worth watch. Surely visit this lake, when you come to Mysore.

Kaaranji or Karanji lake spread across 55 hectares has a giant fountain(Kaaranji in Kannada) at the center. Boating facility is also available here. But the biggest tourist attraction is the aviary located within the foreshore area of the lake. It is the biggest walk through aviary in India. Hornbills, peacocks, white-peacocks, turkeys and black swans are some of the birds found in this aviary. A walk through this aviary is a wonderful experience. Peocock spreading its tail feathers to reveal the 'eyes' is a treat to watch. You can also watch White peacocks climbing the trees around. Kaaranji lake surroundings buzzling with life is worth watch. Surely visit this lake, when you come to Mysore.